john a palmisano
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Company: NTT DATA (previously MISI, Info Technologies, Web Solutions, and Acclara)
Role: Senior Information Architect (2003-2008)
Industries: pharmaceutical, finance, real estate, insurance
Responsibilities: user experience, web development, design
MISI (now part of NTT DATA) provided experience design consulting services, and technical staffing to a diverse client base on a global level.
I was responsible for the UX, design, and/or development of dozens of web applications for Fortune 500 companies. Responsibilities and accomplishments included:
  • Lead information architect on company's most profitable project.
  • Created interactive prototypes using HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Flash/ActionScript, and Visio.
  • Created various UX and business documents (e.g., wireframes, site maps, system design specifications, process flow diagrams, use cases, test cases, style guides, documentation, presentations, proposals, etc.).
  • Developed and managed company's corporate websites ( and, intranet, and time management application.
a sample of clients...
sample of work
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The following open in a new window. Please note that these were not intended to be fully functional, and many of the links are not active. Please also keep in mind that these were developed years ago and some of the code no longer renders correctly in newer browsers.